If you are facing foreclosure due to: job loss, divorce, or Covid-19 devastation, we can help. We offer homeowner solutions to help you solve your problems. Whether you are in pre-foreclosure and are just looking to sell quickly, or need emergency foreclosure intervention assistance to save your home, we can provide a quick sale of your house or a foreclosure intervention solution to help you save your home, or to recover some funds before exiting and totally losing your property and equity to a lender or auction
Protect Your Credit Report From Damage
This also prevents a foreclosure from being recorded on the homeowner’s credit report, which will remain on it for several years, damaging their FICA Score, and preventing future loans. Homeowner Solution Services can provide a timely quick sale or foreclosure intervention option that will allow you to prevent a foreclosure from being recorded on your credit report, and damage to it.
Looking to Sell Quickly? We Will Buy Your House for Cash Within 1 Week
If you are in pre-foreclosure and looking to sell quickly, we can buy your property for cash, in “as is” condition, and close within 7-10 days. Or provide an investor, or tenant-buyer who will lease-purchase your home. Allowing you to save your credit and receive monthly cash flow payments, and sell at the end of the term when the tenant-buyer refinances. And assist in qualifying tenant-buyers by providing administrative management services that monitor and document tenant monthly rental payments, providing rent payment support documents to prospective lenders to increase tenant/buyer mortgage loan application acceptance, and assist the tenant-buyer in refinancing at the end of the term. We also provide lease-purchase to owner finance mortgage conversion, mortgage origination services; and legal and escrow services.
12-Month Mortgage Prepayment Plan
We can solve your mortgage arrears problems by paying off all of your overdue back mortgage payments, preventing your house from going into foreclosure, and then paying up your mortgage for 12-months. Allowing you: to pull out of foreclosure with your mortgage payments paid up for an entire year, time to improve your credit and/or increase your income situation; and to refinance or sell your house by the end of the term, without losing all of your equity.
Lower Monthly Payments
We can provide foreclosure intervention by lowering your monthly principal payments and/or interest rates down to monthly affordable payments – even when others disqualify you from refinancing because of being in pre-foreclosure status.
Sales-Lease Back Option
Or we can even buy your house for cash with a legal settlement, and then lease it back to you at a contractually fixed predetermined monthly rate that will never increase through our sale-leaseback program, if qualified. Giving you the option of leasing on a month-to-month basis, and repurchasing your house back from us at the end of the lease term, with a fresh start. Or if you prefer to move on – time to find another dwelling and to move out when it is best for you, while leasing until you do so.
Foreclosure Intervention and Move-out Option
If you are tired and just prefer washing your hands of the whole situation, we can assist you with our Foreclosure Intervention and Move-out option. We will buy your house, make all back overdue mortgage payments to the lender and stop the bank from proceeding with the foreclosure proceedings, take over your mortgage payments Subject To, and help you exit with some money for moving and getting a fresh start; which will allow you to protect your credit should you decide to seek a new loan in the future.
If you are:
Behind In Mortgage Payments
Worried About A Foreclosure Ruining Your Credit
Need Immediate Foreclosure Intervention
Looking To Sell Quickly
Whatever your situation, our experts will provide the assistance and solution needed to breakthrough your foreclosure situation; allowing you not only to walk away from your foreclosure nightmare, but to do so with some money to exit and make a fresh start.

We Will Buy Your House For Cash In 7 Days
We will buy your house, make back payments and settle the debt, help you save damage to your credit, and help you exit with some cash to make a fresh start in life; or buy and sell your house back to you through our sales-leaseback program.
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